it is called a heart murmur. Sometimes, heart murmurs are harmless, but they can also be associated with dangerous heart defects. Here's what you need to know. A heart murmur is often innocent ...
Examination of the heart showed a lift to the right ... including no aortic murmur or a diastolic murmur at the left sternal border but in which a small degree of aortic insufficiency was ...
‘do you know you have a heart murmur?’” The small manufacture company owner said he lives an active life and had no noticeable symptoms. He said he experience some shortness of ...
Still’s murmur (a.k.a. “innocent murmur” or ... and the lack of cardiovascular symptoms (dyspnea, congestive heart failure).
whereas inside the heart it is called a murmur. A pictorial representation of systolic and diastolic murmurs is below. Murmurs are described by their timing in the cardiac cycle, intensity ...
Roughly one in 30 dogs seen by a veterinarian has a heart murmur, although the prevalence is higher in small breeds and older ...