Russia and Ukraine said Friday that they exchanged the remains of 806 fallen soldiers, marking one of the largest ...
A Russian court on Friday upheld the jail term of Robert Shonov, a former US consulate worker sentenced to almost five years for "secret collaboration with a foreign state".
The UAE has brokered a new exchange of war captives between Russia and Ukraine, which included 50 captives, 25 Ukrainian ...
Two Americans, Ryan Corbett and William McKenty, were freed in a prisoner exchange between the United States and the Taliban.
In the very last hours of President Joe Biden’s time in office, a prisoner exchange years in the making was finally struck: ...
A prisoner swap between the United States and Afghanistan’s Taliban freed two Americans in exchange for a Taliban figure ...
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia and Ukraine have exchanged 25 prisoners of war after negotiations mediated by the United Arab Emirates, Russia's he ministry said in a statement.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy posted a video showing the apparent interrogation of two North Korean soldiers ...
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced that Ukraine is prepared to hand over North Korean soldiers to Kim Jong Un ...
A Russian court upheld the jail term of Robert Shonov, a former US consulate worker sentenced for "secret collaboration with ...