On land, river otters can bound and run quite well, if not quite as effectively as they swim. They love to playfully slide down snow-covered, icy, or muddy hills—often ending with a splash in ...
Oscar the North American river otter celebrated his 15th birthday at the Living Planet Aquarium in Utah. His human friends ...
River otters really do have more fun ... according to scientific studies. Otters run hot, which enables them to play. But they’re also seriously cute, with tubular brown bodies, doe eyes ...
If you are planning on fishing or boating on Kentucky waterways this spring as temperatures warm up, you are likely to encounter a River Otter at dawn or dusk. A fast, acrobatic swimmer, the River ...
River otters have long ... In the video above, the otters run up the hill and slide down over and over. Researchers have documented that sliding is sometimes just play behavior, as these otters ...
Parts of Rutland County experienced minor flooding Monday following heavy rainfall and snowmelt overnight.The Otter Creek ...
The otters took full advantage of the snowy conditions and sledded down a hill on their bellies. The video, provided by Zoo ...
The American river otter was found on land close to what would have still been Shyamalan’s property at the time. It was caught on camera along Okehocking Run, a small tributary to Ridley Creek ...