W hat happens to that single-use plastic bottle after you, a conscientious citizen, place it in a recycling bin? Most people, ...
ALBANY — Frank Zeoli can’t believe some of the things people try to recycle. Plastic wrap. Children’s toys. Entire lamps. For all the efforts to promote the importance of recycling ...
Widespread confusion about the recycling requirements means that many sustainably minded people toss items in the single-stream bin that don’t belong there.
A staggering 33 per cent of Irish people are unaware that just one contaminated container can compromise an entire recycling ...
Most people understand why recycling is a good thing. But economics and misinformation can make keeping more waste out of the ...
The decision to remove a public cardboard recycling bin was not an easy one, says a local leader. But the decision needed to ...
The city is asking people to recycle this season to prevent throws from ending up in landfills. If you're on the parade route this carnival season, you're bound to catch something, but how long do ...