Recent research proposes a new form of dark matter that may actually be lighter in mass than other dark matter candidates.
Scientists used infrared spectrographs to detect dark matter decay. No signals appeared, but anomalies suggest more ...
They say these particles would be a sort of light dark matter, if they are real. If you’re wondering how can matter be both ...
The rest of the universe appears to be made of a mysterious, invisible substance called dark matter (25 percent) and a force that repels gravity known as dark energy (70 percent). Scientists have ...
Dark matter, the mysterious form of unobserved matter which could make up 85% of the mass of the known universe, is one of science’s biggest manhunts. In this first of its kind study, scientists have ...
For decades, people have been trying to directly detect dark matter: the missing mass in our universe. Now, there's a new, ...
If dark matter is indeed made of particles, said particles could then occasionally hit an atom – and if this atom was inside a detector, it would cause a flash of light. “It really is not ...
In the ongoing quest to understand dark matter, researchers are now wondering if a strange phenomenon occurring at the heart of the Milky Way galaxy could be from a different form of dark matter. Dark ...
Dark Matter season 2 will take a very different approach to storytelling compared to its inaugural run, as the gritty multiverse show is set to return for another batch of episodes inspired by the ...
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Spectrographic technology to separate light from decaying dark matter and background light. WINERED uses the broader spectral properties of background light to tell it apart from light from decay ...
Key TakeawaysTESSERACT has developed exquisitely sensitive transition-edge sensors that open up new searches for dark matter ...