WCTV’s limited series 'Beneath the Rainbow Bridge' looks at the mental health struggles many veterinary professionals face.
The Old City Cemetery in Lynchburg is set to dedicate a Rainbow Bridge memorial to honor pets who have passed away.
Macho, the Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office K-9 officer who died in the line of duty, will be honored Tuesday during the ribbon cutting for the Rainbow Bridge, a new spot in Metairie's Lafreniere ...
It is instinctual for many pet owners to apologize to their pets during their final moments, as all of the would’ve, ...
With social media aging, so are the dogs that have for years filled our Instagram feeds with cheer. And when they die, the ...
Hallie Hill wil hold aHallie Hill will hold a Candlelight Vigil at their onsite cemetery, Angel's Crossing, on Saturday, ...
Mobile hospice vet Faith Banks has shared the most common words owners say to their pets in their final moments - but says ...