Telescopes around the world have spotted a monster radio jet streaming from a quasar dating back to the first 1 billion years ...
The classic crystal radio was an oatmeal box with some wire and a few parts. [Michael Simpson] has something very different. He found an assembled Philmore “selective” radio kit. The simple ...
At the border between infrared and radio waves lie electromagnetic ripples measured in millimeters. They are now made in the laboratory, where they are used to study the properties of atoms and ...
Researchers are still trying to figure out how the burst exploded away from the star ... is twisting and reconfiguring such that it can be released as radio waves that we can see halfway across the ...
This makes it very hard to figure out what kind of star or object produces the radio waves, because there are thousands of stars in a small area. Any one of them could be responsible for the ...
Figure caption, Each region of the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum has a range of wavelengths associated with it. Radio waves have the longest wavelengths and gamma rays have the shortest wavelengths.
Back to our radio signal. The electrons in our wire are moving, but not in one direction. These electrons are moving back and forth. Actually, the wave displayed in the activity is a ...
At double the width of our Milky Way galaxy, this jet of radio waves is the biggest ever detected so early in the history of the universe, astronomers reported Thursday. Radio jets like this are ...