DONALD Trump begun his presidency by announcing his new AI project “Stargate” – but its not the first time the US government have used that name for an out of this world scheme.
On July 25th, a NASA scientist was studying images of a region of Mars called "Cydonia" when something caught his eye. He had to take a second to process what he was seeing. He grabbed a magnifying ...
CIA’s Joe McMoneagle reveals remote viewing experience, claiming evidence of ancient life and pyramids on Mars. Discover his shocking findings.
NASA's Perseverance rover, which has been exploring Mars since 2021, fired its laser at some oddly pale rocks on the surface ...
Beneath a pyramid, the last of the Osirans — Sutekh the Destroyer — waits to be freed, to at long last bring his gift of death to all who live.
A square-shaped formation on Mars, about 3 kilometers wide, has generated interest and speculation. NASA's Mars Global Surveyor captured the image, sp ...
In the 2010 Sarah Jane Adventures story, The Vault of Secrets, it looks very much like Sarah prevents the discovery of the Osiran pyramid on Mars by interfering with a NASA mission. Sarah ...
Scientists chose this odd time period as they believed life could have existed on Mars a million years ago. This alleged psychic claimed they saw pyramids which were “very high” and “sitting ...