Prohibition was intended to improve, even to ennoble, the lives of all Americans, to protect individuals, families, and society at large from the devastating effects of alcohol abuse. But the ...
DEI order prompted a regulatory change that means government contracts no longer need to include a prohibition on segregation.
Acting Commissioner Amanda Lefton of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation announced that the annual ...
He also claimed women will begin to play a role in keeping Prohibition. "Politicians are finding out there is something more now than sweet feminine influence. They are going to discover that the ...
Within a few years, the federal government extended Prohibition on alcohol to all states. The following year, in 1919, the Volstead Act set out the details of what Prohibition meant and the ...
President Herbert Hoover called Prohibition "the Noble Experiment". Its supporters believed that problems in society caused by alcohol could be solved by government legislation. close government ...