Arizona isn’t the only place where some pro-choice groups have decided to withhold support from ballot measures because they don’t believe the protections go far enough. In South Dakota ...
Given the organization's objectives and history, media should think twice before giving the group an uncritical ... To “Break The Stranglehold” On Pro-Choice Control Of “Internet Search ...
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More than a dozen red states enacted strict limits on abortion access after Dobbs, but pro-choice groups have fought back through the initiative process with reproductive-rights ballot measures ...
While Republicans like Byrd argue more could and should be done to protect the unborn, while pro-choice groups are against Georgia’s abortion ban. Georgia’s LIFE Act was signed by Gov.
Thus, Whitmer’s campaign and pro-choice groups outspent Dixon and pro-life groups $91 million to $31 million, a whopping 3:1 margin. Proposal 3 won with a 56.7% landslide while Gov. Whitmer’s ...