New Bedford takes great pride in its port, and its scallopers account for a significant portion of its value. It’s proven ...
The Whale’s Tooth parking lot, operated by the New Bedford Port Authority, will provide both MBTA and Seastreak parking. Here ...
Phillips, U.S. Navy (Ret.), administrator of the U.S. Department of Transportation Maritime Administration, met with Mayor Jon Mitchell, New Bedford Port Authority Executive Director Gordon Carr ...
The podcast "Snitch City" focuses on the confidential informant system in the Massachusetts port city of New Bedford.
In 1876, the New Bedford whaling ship Catalpa sailed to western Australia and took part in the rescue of six Irish prisoners.
A look at I-195 Bridge project was top news this week. Here's a recap of the most-read Standard-Times stories.
Fred Toomey, who served as the New Bedford Port Society president for 12 years, played a key role in the renovation of both the Seamen's Bethel and the Mariner's Home. Current president Phil ...
Dignitaries gathered in New Bedford this morning as, at long last, South Coast Rail service finally launched, connecting the ...
The New Bedford Regional Airport recently outlined plans for growth estimated to cost $76 million. The plans could include a new air traffic control tower, a rebuilt terminal, and more.