The makers of the Oscar-nominated documentary "Porcelain War" discuss the fragility of life — and the strength of resistance ...
The release of Porcelain War, the Oscar-nominated documentary about the Russian invasion of Ukraine, shows that the artists ...
Joan Clare Brown began her series of porcelain sculptures titled 'Ed' as a response to her father’s sudden passing.
A documentary about the conflict in Ukraine and the citizen army fighting back against Russia’s invasion, the movie focuses squarely on artists and craftspeople who by necessity have become warriors.
It’s about the Kharkiv-based artists Slava and Anya Leontyev, who specialize in making delicate porcelain figurines, even amidst the raging war that Russia’s inflicted on their homeland.
27 x 27 cm. (10.6 x 10.6 in.) Subscribe now to view details for this work, and gain access to over 18 million auction results. Purchase One-Day Pass ...
There they find inspiration to create porcelain figurines as their country is invaded and they face constant shelling and destruction around themselves. As Stasenko and Leontyev make their art ...