Under current law, polygamy - typically involving a man who cohabitates with and purports to marry more than one wife - is classified as a third-degree felony The Utah State Senate voted ...
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson tore up a record-breaking Salt Lake crowd on Friday, calling them "inbreds" and mocking Utah's history with polygamy at ... come to Salt Lake City!" ...
Flashback: Until the early 2000s, Colorado City — a small town on the Utah border with a long history of polygamy — was mostly ignored by the state following a failed raid of the community in ...
Polygamist Tom Green was today celebrating the birth of his 30th child as prosecutors finished presenting evidence against him on charges of bigamy and benefit fraud in the Mormon state of Utah.
theocracy in Utah." Congress would refuse the Utah Territory's applications for statehood for four decades, until the church renounced polygamy in 1890. Then the objections were lifted ...
Of all the Mormon doctrines, none caused as much controversy as polygamy, called plural or celestial ... In addition to blocking the Utah Territory's petitions to join the Union, lawmakers passed ...
SALT LAKE, Utah, Nov. 28. -- At a meeting of the leaders of the Democratic Party of this State to inquire into the cause of the defeat of the party at the recent election, it was unanimously ...