Political science is a flexible major that can complement your many other interests. The major also offers opportunities to connect with alumni and pursue internships. The department’s award-winning ...
A political science major is a social science degree path that focuses on government in theory and practice. Majors will explore topics related to political theory, international relations ...
A committee of political science department faculty members reviews applications ... All contract concentrations cover 30 credit hours and must include the following components: ...
Political science at its core looks at the distribution of power: in world capitals, between states and in our everyday lives. The Department of Politics at Drexel University trains students in ...
The MSc Political Science is a wide-ranging programme combining subject ... on our updated graduate course and programme information page. The department’s work covers national, sub-national and ...
The courses in political science cover a full range of the discipline, both in terms of substance and methodology. Courses in research methods provide the skills necessary for sophisticated analysis ...
The Department of Political Science offers coursework and programs that are unique and innovative, integrating the traditional fields of American government, legal studies, and international relations ...
The Department of Political Science at Miami University has a research active faculty working in a variety of areas within the discipline. We regularly offer a range of courses that cover central ...
If careers in law, business, government, politics, law enforcement, journalism and teaching pique your interest, then a political science major would be the perfect choice for you. The Political ...
The undergraduate and graduate programs in the SLU Department of Political Science provide students with an effective combination of knowledge, theory, and practical research and analytical skills to ...