On the beach lies a motorcycle helmet ... These are what activists call the "new sand" -- plastic that has broken down into smaller and smaller pieces, and then become part of the shoreline.
Researchers have developed a new method for spotting plastic rubbish on beaches and successfully field-tested it on a remote ...
Resorts on the islands were known to smother their meadows with sprawling sheets of plastic laid ... Fine white sand, coconut palm trees overhead, a gently sloping beach and unobstructed views ...
as much as 15 percent of the sand is actually grains of microplastic. Kamilo Point Beach, the one I walked on, catches plastic from the North Pacific gyre, the trashiest of five swirling current ...
Bring lots of bags on your beach trip to protect vulnerable items. You'd be surprised how a single grain of sand can quickly obliterate a cell phone! So store it in a resealable plastic bag.