Maui’s “unmet needs” — even after Congressional disaster recovery funding of $1.6 billion — are now estimated at more than $7 ...
Duane Sparkman, chair of the Maui County Arborist Committee ... it is seeing new life after surviving the 2023 fatal fire, ...
The Maui News / MATTHEW THAYER photos WAILUKU — Thousands of people were asked to evacuate and more than 3,000 acres of fallow fields were left charred after a “dynamic” brush fire that ...
Timi Gilliom, captain and builder of the voyaging canoe Mo‘okiha o Pi‘ilani, awoke from a midday nap in Hui O Wa’a Kaulua’s ...
which required hundreds of pictures and videos on the ground, from the air, and even reaching out to residents,” he said. The report’s release comes a day after the Maui Fire Department ...
The fire started at 6:50 p.m. at a single-story structure at Pikale Place, Maui Fire Department said. Fire crews said they found the single-story structure fully involved when they arrived on scene.
The Maui News / MATTHEW THAYER photos WAILUKU — After touring the devastation left by the Aug. 8 fire in Lahaina, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and members of a bipartisan House delegation struck ...