The first step to addressing foot arch pain is to learn which tissues are ... your leg and connects to the top of the arch in the same area on the navicular, can also be irritated and overworked ...
Metatarsalgia is a common overuse injury that causes pain and inflammation in the ball of your foot, which is between your arch and toes ... feet and gently rub the area with a pumice stone.
Your arch plays a role in your posture and balance, making it a crucial area to support ... Common foot issues from wearing the wrong shoes are plantar fasciitis (arch pain), metatarsalgia ...
We spoke to podiatrists on how to determine your foot arch type, and why it's important to know when choosing walking and ...
Plantar fasciitis, characterised by pain in the foot's heel and arch, often affects individuals ... and simple solution that not only cools the area but also gently stretches the plantar fascia ...