Three billion more NOVA: Some people say, "Oh, those dire predictions of Paul Ehrlich, they were all wrong." Is the population explosion over? Brown: If we define the population explosion in terms ...
NOVA is the most popular primetime science series on American television, demystifying the scientific and technological concepts that shape and define our lives, our planet, and our universe.
Robert Krulwich: Welcome to NOVA scienceNOW, a new series airing on PBS. I'm your host, Robert Krulwich. Now, I know you can't see me now, but if you could, and if I crossed my eyes and then ...
NOVA: What was known in the immediate aftermath of the crash? Evans: Well, based on the conversations between the pilots and air traffic control, the initial indications were that they had some ...
After writing a 400-page book on string theory and then helping NOVA translate that book into a three-hour documentary, would Brian Greene, we wondered, have anything more to say about string theory?
NOVA: There have been claims that a great civilization predates ancient dynastic Egypt—one that existed some 10,500 years B.C.—and that this civilization was responsible for building the ...
I think that denigrates the people whose evidence we actually find. NOVA: Herodotus, the Greek historian, wrote that 100,000 workers built the pyramids and modern Egyptologists come up with a ...
If you watched the NOVA program "Tales From the Hive," you're probably wondering how the filmmakers secured some of that astonishing footage of honeybees. How did they get closeups of bees in flight?
Note: For a definition of unfamiliar terms, see our glossary. Spreading out particles NOVA: What is string theory? Witten: String theory is an attempt at a deeper description of nature by thinking ...
In this regard, he is also very much like his grandfather. NOVA: Your grandfather was nicknamed "the Prince of Bad Luck." Blériot: That's a loose translation. In France, we called him l'homme qui ...
Chuck Thorpe runs the Navlab group in the Robotics Institute of Carnegie Mellon University. His interests are in computer vision, planning, and architectures for outdoor robot vehicles. Since 1984 ...
The question is how to explain it. NOVA: Why is there a debate over the cause or causes of global warming? Ding: The reason is we don't have very good methods to test for natural and human causes ...