About 86% of Pennsylvania Turnpike trips are made by travelers using E-ZPass. The rest get billed via toll-by-plate, and an invoice is mailed to the address of the person to whom the car is ...
Toll-by-plate was successful 13.3 million times last ... which are not issued in Pennsylvania. About 41% of the image failures were blamed on an obstruction such as a bike rack.
Do you owe the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission? Maybe. It can happen. The Toll By Plate system makes it possible to rack up tolls that can become fees that can become more. Even an E-ZPass ...
Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware officials don't text drivers about unpaid tolls. “If you have a bill, we will send you a toll by plate invoice in the mail,” Orbanek said. “If you’re ...
Unpaid toll text messages are likely a scam, the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission warns, urging drivers to stay vigilant and avoid falling for fraudulent messages claiming overdue toll notices.