The Fallout franchise is filled with bitter pills to swallow in the multiple-choice finales of the games, some more ...
The Fallout show's success has led to a rediscovery of older Fallout games, and players have stong opinions about Vault City's First Citizen, Joanne Lynette. Joanne Lynette is Vault City's leader ...
I'm not sure if this year's Steam Autumn sale is better than usual or if I'm just desperate to feel something by cashing in on deals. Regardless, I've managed to pad out my library with Bethesda's ...
What are the best games like Fallout on PC? Since its creation by ... your Fitbit, and that old pair of light-up trainers at the back of your wardrobe. If you needed reminding for any reason ...
Madredus / In the wake of Prime Video's highly anticipated Fallout series, fans new and old may be looking into diving back into the Wasteland to revisit the games that started it ...
Despite being over a decade old, Fallout New Vegas enjoys a ... allowing you to make some alterations without leaving the game. Unfortunately, Fallout New Vegas is a little on the buggy side ...
Gamers agreed that Fallout 76 was the worst thing that ever happened to the franchise and had lost all hope. In an AMA on ...
Fallout 76 kicks off its ghoul-themed season today along with a new update with a questline that lets players turn their ...