You ought to know that!" -- Cary Grant as Roger Thornhill, protagonist in Alfred Hitchcock's North by Northwest (1959). Alfred Hitchcock at Mount Rushmore during the filming of North By Northwest.
When it came time to speak about Hitchcock's 1959 movie North by Northwest starring Cary Grant, Martin Landau, James Mason, and Eva Marie Saint, del Toro declared: "North by Northwest, 1959 by ...
Alfred Hitchcock is suddenly flavour of the month. But his 1959 classic North By Northwest really ought to be unstageable. It starts out in New York before heading to the Prairies, and reaching ...
Some of the most famous images of Mount Rushmore are from Alfred Hitchcock's 1959 classic spy movie, North by Northwest. Ernest Lehman, the screenwriter, recalled being asked by "Hitch" to come up ...
Alfred Hitchcock’s classic and massively entertaining 1959 spy thriller North by Northwest originally ... That innocent man is ad exec Roger Thornhill (Cary Grant, as cool as ever, even when ...
Emma Rice’s adaptation will also be staged in Manchester, Brighton, Liverpool, Bath, Cheltenham and London “How do they propose,” was my question on the way to the theatre, “to bring a crop-dusting ...