A good non-stick pan is an absolute essential, but true pancake aficionados may wish to go one better and invest in a ...
However, the real secret to the perfect pancake, and easy tossing, is the pan. A non-stick pan is a game-changer when it comes to Pancake Day, as well as when cooking other meals, ...
In her cooking classes on crepe making, Celia Hay recommends using a 25cm non-stick frying pan. See her recipe for classic crepes here. With non-stick pans, you need to make sure that you use the ...
Pancake Day is almost upon us and if you’re having a last minute dash to pick up the essentials, we’ve rounded up everything you might need that can be delivered next day ...
Prepare the crepe batter by whisking flour, eggs, milk, salt and melted butter and then letting it rest for 20-30 minutes.