A new virtual reality experience will take you on a journey from the Garden of Eden to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. Truth ...
A recent discovery has led some experts to believe they’ve found the fossil of Noah’s Ark. Researchers have found that a boat-shaped mound — long believed by the faithful to be Noah’s Ark ...
Researchers have found that a boat-shaped mound — long believed by the faithful to be Noah’s Ark — was most likely submerged under water during a devastating flood some 5000 years ago ...
To believe Genesis 6 and 7, the story of Noah’s Ark and the building of it, tests the strongest of human minds. Superficial thinking tells many the story is pure fiction and not credible.
New evidence shows that the mound really did experience a devastating flood ... the site under the banner of the Mount Ararat and Noah's Ark Research Team. During the 7th International Symposium ...
Mount Ararat is a snow-capped, dormant volcano in eastern Turkey, near the Armenian border, standing at 5,137 meters (16,854 ft). It is traditionally linked to Noah’s Ark, as Genesis describes ...
Herschend has reached an agreement to acquire all of Palace Entertainment’s U.S.-based properties from Parques Reunidos, including Noah’s Ark waterpark in Wisconsin ...
Could an ancient wooden structure discovered beneath volcanic rock and ice on Turkey’s Mount Ararat be Noah’s Ark of biblical fame? That will be the focus of a panel of explorers and experts ...
Noah's Ark is home to its 4D dive-in theater ... “Herschend is best in class in providing a high-quality guest experience within its parks. Palace Entertainment's team members and its parks ...
Play facilities will emulate elements of the animals’ habitats, allowing a greater connection with these majestic animals and an inspiring visitor experience. Director of Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm ...