(CNN) — Here is a look at the life of Nelson Mandela, Nobel Peace Prize winner and former president of South Africa. He was given the name Nelson by a school teacher. He was sometimes called Madiba, ...
One episode focuses on Nelson Mandela, the South African leader who many today remember as the dignified elder statesman who was imprisoned for 27 years by the country’s apartheid regime.
Mandela was secretly appointed its commander in chief. "At the end of the day...violence was the only weapon that would destroy apartheid." Nelson Mandela, 1959 "Monitoring Mandela (Four Police ...
Donald Trump has compared himself to Nelson Mandela as the prospect of ... time Trump has compared himself to the anti-Apartheid hero Mandela, indulging in a similar rant in October.
The white police force sometimes tortured and killed the regime’s Black opponents. Nelson Mandela was a leader of the African National Congress, the main group arguing that all races should have ...
As the world says farewell to Nelson Mandela, we must appreciate he overcame ... As Toronto says farewell to a local hero police officer John Zivcic, and Mandela, let us honour their memory with good ...