William Voiles said that he adopted the opossum as a palm-sized baby that had been orphaned when its mother was killed in city traffic. He’d raised Saffron as if it were a lap dog. Voiles said ...
Every spring, female opossums hold babies in their pouches growing strong and healthy. Sadly, some of these mother opossums ...
SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- An opossum with babies was rescued from the Bay Bridge during Monday's morning commute. The babies were only about a month old and still in their mom's pouch. They were ...
A soaked, shivering and worse for wear mother possum and two of her tiny babies sought shelter on the bottom level of a Murwillumbah home as torrential rain and flooding hit the Tweed on Sunday night.
Resident Kerryn Law said the furry family was cooped up in a corner downstairs against the brickwork and the mother was “not ... she eventually brought the possums inside, wrapped them up ...