medicine ball push-ups), but there are modifications you can take to ease in. Holding a sphere in your hands will feel different from gripping a dumbbell or kettlebell handle, but as with any new ...
So grab your medicine ball, and let's get going ... All right, we're going to move on to the rolling push up. Down on the floor, push up position. Put one hand on the ball. Just roll the ball ...
This is one rep. Doing push-ups with the added complexity of a medicine ball really challenges your core. And if the medicine ball variation is too difficult at first, you can modify by keeping ...
We'd never strong-arm you, but there are so many benefits to adding a medicine ball to your workout. (Getty Images) ...
I tried all of these workouts, and yes, some are much more challenging than others (glaring at you, medicine ball push-ups), but there are modifications you can take to ease in. Holding a sphere in ...