Angry that she wasn’t invited, Maleficent curses Aurora so that ... Because of this, Aurora also has very little screen time in Sleeping Beauty, with only 18 minutes (via Empire).
Suddenly, magnificent winged sprite Maleficent and lovely Princess Aurora are caught in the middle. Does love always end well?
While several stars have played Disney’s animated characters in live action, only a few have had the honor of being crowned a ...
The two reunite for Maleficent: Mistress of Evil, out Friday, with Fanning’s Aurora all grown up and ... And their offscreen activities could get a little intense, including a paintball outing ...
Bent on revenge, Maleficent faces a battle with the invading king's successor; as a result she places a curse upon his newborn daughter Aurora. As the child grows, Maleficent realizes that Aurora ...