A neck dissection is surgery to remove all or some of the lymph nodes and surrounding tissue from the neck. Lymph nodes are small, round or bean-shaped glands. They remove germs from your body, help ...
In patients with a negative sentinel lymph node biopsy, omitting pelvic lymphadenectomy does not compromise disease-free ...
Dr. Kandace P. McGuire discusses how targeted axillary staging differs from traditional methods of staging in patients ...
We look forward to helping you on your journey towards better health. A neck dissection is surgery to remove all or some of the lymph nodes and surrounding tissue from the neck. Parathyroidectomy is ...
Randomized Phase II/III Trial Of Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy Versus Elective Neck Dissection For Early-Stage Oral Cavity Cancer - Temporary Enrollment Hold NRG/HN006 - Sean Massa, M.D. This phase ...
A multicenter study has shown that lymph node transfer is a viable treatment for the swelling in the affected limb, a condition known as lymphedema, after breast cancer surgery. However, an effective ...
SESAUA annual meeting featured a prostate cancer session and a presentation by Dr. Abhi Moolupuri discussing a PET/CT supplemented approach to omission of pelvic lymph node dissection. The National ...