Tinnitus can be temporary or long term. Exposure to loud noise can increase the risk of tinnitus, but the exact cause may be unclear. A person may also hear hissing, roaring, or whistling sounds ...
If you dislike loud noises that interrupt your sleep, you may want to consider a noise machine. It sounds counterintuitive, but a noise machine can generate a steady color noise that helps block ...
Here's the volume level you really should set, according to experts. (Spoiler: It's quieter than you think, especially for ...
Many people experience hearing loss caused by repeated exposure to loud noises. And now, aside from noisy occupations, concerts and sporting events, public health officials are concerned about one ...
One of the things Nairán Ramírez-Esparza misses the most from Mexico is all the noise she was surrounded by growing up — from loud conversations at her local coffee shop to the music blasting ...
Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) are often viewed as the major drivers of space weather disturbances in the Sun-Earth system. Shocks driven by CMEs can excite radio emissions characterised by a slow ...