As the biological seat of mental life, the brain is center stage in the investigation of what causes and characterizes mental disorders ... have some symptoms in common but not others.
People with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) were found to live shorter lives than those who were not diagnosed, according to a new study. Here's what to know.
As the prevalence of mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and cognitive decline rises, it is essential to keep a check on our mental health. Anxiety disorders, marked by excessive ...
They tend to develop during the teenage and young adult years, and they are much more common in girls and women. No one knows exactly what causes eating disorders. However, mental health issues ...
One major theme of the work within the Centre is the management of the common mental disorders of depression and anxiety in primary care (Leads: Professor David Kessler, Professor Nicola Wiles). There ...
New research published in JAMA Psychiatry estimates that globally, only 6.9% of people with mental health or substance-use ...
Background In the past years, symptoms of common mental disorders have been exponentially under study among professional i.e. elite athletes. Two recent cross-sectional studies among Australian and ...
A study of 57,000 people in 21 countries finds that only 6.9 per cent who met criteria for a mental health or substance-use disorder received effective treatment. The biggest barrier to effective ...