The lion enclosure at the Bedfordshire zoo stood empty for a while after keepers had to put its two remaining lions to sleep ...
Top 10 Cutest Baby Animals! Nothing melts hearts quite like baby animals, and this week’s lineup is guaranteed to bring a ...
Portola Valley’s roaring passion for mountain lions brought forth a visit from the Oakland Zoo. Nearly 200 residents gathered ...
It’s pretty exciting, considering this could be the first known cougar reproduction in modern times in the western Great ...
Officers locate two more monkeys as they probe wildlife trafficking ring suspected of using heavy-duty drones to fly animals ...
In the now-viral video, the lion cub is seen quietly approaching its resting parents, who are completely unaware of what’s ...
The quartet were born between the hours of 5:13am and 6:40am, with keepers watching remotely via a hidden ‘cubcam’ CCTV. They ...
Cassy the mountain lion, named for the Cascade Mountains where she was found orphaned as a cub in 2007, died at her Kansas ...
The INPA stressed the dangers of the illegal wildlife trade, stating that smuggled monkeys may carry diseases such as ...
Michigan Department of Natural Resources Two mountain lion cubs have been photographed in ... There have been 133 sightings of the animal since 2008, all in Michigan’s upper peninsula and ...