Lieutenant Colonel Alice Hampton Smith is a WVSU Alumna who now serves for the Georgia Army National Guard as the deputy ...
Ben Watson is a direct descendant of one of the men involved in Joseph Smith's murder and owns the sword that belonged to his ...
Retired Lt. Col. Cheryl Hines-Smith made history as the first woman allowed to stay on active duty while pregnant, defying outdated policies. Despite resistance, she proved women belong in the ...
Leaving behind three years of service in the post of Acting Adjutant and Executive to the Harvard ROTC, Lt. Colonel Morton Smith has taken over the duties of head of Army Specialized Training for ...
Colonel Stephanie C. Smith currently serves the United States Marine Corps as the Commanding Officer, Headquarters and Service Battalion, Marine Corps Recruit Depot/Western Recruiting Region. She was ...
Saldanha top cop reveals worrying comment overheard during the search for the missing Middelpos child Joshlin Smith.
Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Kraig A. Smith was the guest speaker. Smith is the Wing Chaplain at the 49th Wing, Holloman Air Force Base. Smith started off with a prayer and thanked the WSMR leadership for ...