Explore Leonardo da ... with Mary’s mother, Saint Anne. There is a real narrative happening between these three figures, the grandmother Saint Anne, her daughter the Virgin Mary, and Jesus.
Twenty years ago The Da Vinci Code gripped the world with the ... It popularised the theory that Jesus married Mary Magdalene and did not in fact die on the cross. It was this secret, they wrote ...
Renowned artist Leonardo ... received to turn Jesus over to the authorities, a blogger named Culture Critic explained, although these theories were never confirmed by da Vinci.
‘The Last Supper’ is a mural created by da Vinci and shows the moment Jesus announces that one of his disciples will betray him. There is a sense of shock and dramatic emotion on the faces of ...
The portrait of Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci, more exactly the portrait of one Lisa Gherardini ... humanity insisted upon by Catholic doctrine, even with respect to Jesus himself. Mr. Campbell ...