How and when you prune lavender may vary depending on the type you're growing. English lavender ( Lavandula angustifolia) ...
This panna cotta recipe (which is completely vegetarian and gelatin-free) comes infused with dried lavender flowers and zesty ...
Spring is just around the corner, and that means fresh, floral and vibrant flavors are about to hit coffee shop menus.
Start with replacing ten percent of the regular sugar with lavender sugar and then adjust to taste. Pastries love lavender ...
It is a liquid product that is most easily applied through a hose-end-sprayer, best described as a plastic container you ...
Simply steep a strong infusion of lavender blossoms, then combine it with freshly squeezed lemon juice and cold water to ...
Once you're there, you'll be able to sweetly saunter by all of the pink-and-white lights placed hither and yon — the property ...