Sea otters help kelp forests recover by controlling sea urchins, but their impact varies. In British Columbia, recovery was ...
Because of their high metabolic rates, sea otters are especially vulnerable to disturbances that can increase their energy ...
When sea otters were reintroduced along the coastlines of islands in Southern California and British Columbia, researchers saw kelp forests return to areas that were destroyed by sea urchins.
Adorably fuzzy sea otters aren’t just cute. The marine mammals serve a crucial role, helping to restore the giant kelp forests they rely on by removing their top predators, the sea urchins.
DESCRIPTION: Sea otters use their rear flippers to move and their flat, muscular tails to steer. They have an exceptional sense of smell, hearing, and eyesight above water and below. Lacking blubber, ...
After missing from the Oregon coast for more than a century, sea otters are getting a step closer to staging a comeback. Local tribes and nonprofits have received a $1.56 million grant to lead the ...
Sea otters in California reach 50 to 70 pounds, while those in Alaska can weigh up to 100 pounds. In contrast to river otters , sea otters must survive amid the chilly waters of the Pacific Ocean.
New modeling method helped researchers understand why kelp forests returned more slowly in Southern California than in British Columbia.
New research in The Journal of Wildlife Management reveals how human activities affect the behavior and energy expenditure of southern sea otters.