Police records obtained by The Intercept show Dataminr tracked Gaza-related protests and other constitutionally protected ...
A complaint reviewed by The Times accuses officers of voicing open discrimination against potential recruits and colleagues ...
At least 50 people gathered early Thursday morning in a Westchester neighborhood, chanting "genocide" and handing out flyers, ...
A large crowd gathered Monday on the steps of Los Angeles City Hall a day after protests spilled onto downtown LA freeways. The LAPD issued a traffic advisory Monday morning for the area near City ...
Officers from the Department of Public Safety closed the Trousdale North Entrance to campus in response to a protest against Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the Israeli Defense Forces and the Los ...
LAPD officers moved in to clear protestors after ... downtown after LAPD formed skirmish lines and were working to move protesters away from the overpasses of the101 Freeway.
UNIDENTIFIED PROTESTERS: (Chanting) George Floyd ... ANDERSON: That is why he recently brought in two former chiefs from the LAPD. O'HARA: They got to see that, although it feels like no one's ever ...
Demonstrators were spotted at the corner of Hollywood Boulevard and Highland Avenue, part of the route limos and other cars ...
LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- Hundreds participated in a protest on UCLA's campus Tuesday after letters from the U.S. Department of Education were sent out to 60 universities across the country ...
CODEPINK is a feminist grassroots organization working to end U.S. wars and militarism, support peace and human rights initiatives, and redirect our tax dollars into healthcare, education, green jobs ...
Protesters gathered outside the 97th Academy Awards in Los Angeles on Sunday in support of Palestinian freedom, immigrants' ...