I booked a flight to Indonesia, where I'd lived in the capital ... just an eight-minute walk from the beach. The cost of living is cheap Best of all, the rent was $2,500 a year.
Though one of them is Indonesian and able to buy land in Bali, the couple decided to lease the land because they didn't want ...
The loud whirr of a chainsaw sounds through the forest as a small group of farmers gathers around a tree filled with red seed ...
"I'm tired of the system in Indonesia. If we look abroad, they usually have a better system," he said. Poor living standards ...
The relocation site for families forced to make way for an upscale Jakarta property development was hit by a major flood this ...
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JAKARTA, Indonesia — Muslims in Indonesia are shopping for sweets and new clothes and taking part in traditional festivities as millions observe the holy month of Ramadan, which started on Saturday.