We'll also reveal the specific areas that triggered the flood, and what the future holds for other research related ... rates ...
An asteroid strike could cool the planet's climate, harm crops, and disrupt food supply, but it may also increase plankton ...
Spanning 1.2 million years of climate history, this ancient ice core promises to unveil secrets about Earth’s past climate systems and help us understand the climate of Earth’s future.
Near-Earth asteroid Bennu has a slim chance of colliding with Earth in 2182. If it does, the impact could trigger a global ...
The Cycle of Ice Ages Ice ages don't just appear out of nowhere. They are part of a natural cycle that our planet has experienced numerous times. These periods are marked by significant drops in ...
Looking back over the decades, our timeline exists to give context to these conversations, highlighting the beginning of environmental economics, landmark events along the way and what the future of ...
The northern plains of Mars, marked by thousands of mounds and hills, hold significant evidence of the planet's watery past.
TIMES is the title of the international team's project, which is an acronym for "Time Integrated Matrix for Earth Sciences." ...
A super-Earth planet that dips in and out of its star's habitable zone has been discovered just 19.7 light-years away.
This will enable improvements to climate models and future projections ... ice represents an unparalleled record of Earth’s climate history, said Barbante. Ancient air bubbles suspended ...