From this NTK Network article (with embedded video): In 2013, then-Senate Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) expressed support for the possibility that Senate Republicans might eliminate the filibuster for ...
Feel free to keep President Barack Obama, Senator Harry Reid and those who implored Senate Democrats to blow up the filibuster a few years ago in your thoughts as President-elect Donald Trump ...
Harry Reid is a former Senate majority leader from Nevada. A real fix for this country would be the abolition of the Senate filibuster in all its forms, allowing for a simple majority vote ...
Democrats’ blowup over funding the government isn’t just triggering a fight about the future of the party. It is reopening ...
The filibuster used to be rare, but it’s become a major tool for the minority party in recent years. Then-Democratic leader Harry Reid first took a major swipe at the filibuster in 2013 with the ...
Bush were blocked by Democratic filibusters. Indeed, it was Harry Reid and his fellow Democrats who initiated the unprecedented use of the partisan filibuster against judicial nominees.
former Senate Democrat leader Harry Reid. Back in November 2013 when he was Senate majority leader, Reid pushed his fellow Democrats to abolish the filibuster (the 60-vote cloture threshold ...
Senate majority leader Harry Reid is exploring a change to the Senate’s filibuster rules that “would most likely affect federal judges and executive branch nominees like cabinet members” but ...
That’s exactly why Democratic leader Harry Reid was crowing just two weeks before the election that Democrats would abolish the filibuster for Supreme Court justices if Republicans tried to ...
They will need to overcome the filibuster, a legislative hurdle that ... The move came in the years after then-Senate ...