Condo board candidate objects to the board scrapping an election with valid results. The board reasons that several ballot envelopes were not signed. Who's right?
“Thank you for your letter to the HOA board. After careful consideration we have decided to ignore it.” We then included instructions on how to call for a special election to have us kicked ...
Can we recall any or all of the newly elected board, turning the operations of the association over to the property management firm temporarily, and demanding a new election of directors and an ...
Q: We live in a massive HOA. Our board members and management do a great job of overall maintenance and landscaping of the complex, but rental units have become a consistent problem. At a recent ...
Question: Our HOA board assessed owners to “pay back reserves ... The Division’s arbitrators will hear election and recall disputes, but otherwise enforcement in an HOA is left to the ...
“It was everything you saw during the presidential election.” The HOA board removed DeLeon from a committee, and a DeLeon ally filed a grievance against Jackson, accusing him of bullying and ...
Question: Our recent election was stopped by the board and the association’s attorney ... Resident worried about privacy as HOA warns it is recording audio and visual at the pool My mortgage ...