(See how World War I energized mapmaking at National ... some furniture, a fire, are great luxuries for those returning from the trenches.” They kept an even temperature year-round, but as ...
xxxxxxxxxxxx Brian Kenny, Ballygarrett who constructed a replica of a world war 1 trench in his back garden. Brian Kenny of the Irish Great War Society. As commemorations took place this year to ...
This is from the series: I Was There: The Great War Interviews. Teacher viewing recommended prior to use in class. Students could identify as many different features of fighting in the trenches as ...
Historian Dan Snow helps Michael Douglas understand why trench warfare was so important in WW1. As Michael tries to cross a field, he realises how clear a target he is and how important it is to ...
One would wish that Morisi had discussed the influence of these special forces on the post-war armies, and at least touched on the role of their Arditi veterans in the rise of fascism, but overall ...