There are ginkgo trees over 100 years old and some that are at least 28 meters tall. Japanese original The easy Japanese news is taken from the Mainichi Shogakusei Shimbun, a newspaper for children.
Every autumn, the ginkgo trees turn a vibrant yellow, making the avenue one of the city's most popular spots for viewing autumn leaves. Tokyo's ginkgo tree avenue | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News Tokyo's ...
01:53 This program is on the seed in side of the fruit of this tree - the ginkgo nut. 01:58 I hadn't tried this delicacy prior to coming to Japan, and never imagined there was any edible part of a ...
Eighteen ginkgo trees behind the rugby stadium are likely ... land and turn it into a private commercial venture. Famous Japanese novelist Haruki Murakami has opposed the plan.