Today is March 6th maybe by the time this is published the giant pothole in the road leading into GIant in Bloom will be filled. Be it with blacktop or a 4x4 monster truck remains to be seen.
ANDERSON — A mark of warmer weather in Indiana is the emergence of potholes on city streets and county highways.
If you're waiting for the city to take care of a big pothole on your street, you might not want to hold your breath.
INDIANAPOLIS — It’s pothole central right now in Indianapolis. Giant craters continue to pop up all over as cars try to dodge them left and right. Indy DPW said crews are trying to keep up. So far, ...
This produces a cavity and vehicles then cause the pavement to collapse into the gap, forming a pothole. Are there giant potholes in your neighborhood? Visit The Herald Bulletin’s Facebook page ...