Using tools — from hand-written texts to sophisticated navigation apps — allows humans to punch above our biological weight.
We don’t think about our brains until something goes wrong. If we model the behaviors, our teams and companies will follow.
Contrary to stereotypes, age can be an advantage for entrepreneurs but only if you keep your brain sharp. Neuroscience has a fun suggestion.
It's important to make your evenings more relaxing to address this stress, and lessen the brain's burden. Here are daily habits to follow every night that can help improve your brain health ...
Want to do more? It turns out there are additional actions to boost your brain’s functioning and protect it from decline. Experts say establishing good habits as young as possible — even in ...
"Although your brain only weighs 2-3 kilos, so it's a tiny percentage of your body weight, it sucks up 20-30% of the breakdown products of a healthy diet." Watch and follow these rules to make ...
To avoid the risk of overeating, "one can eat their food slowly and pay close attention to the signals their body is ...
With all the noise in your brain, it’s no surprise you can’t drift off. So how can you quiet your brain so you can finally get some sleep? Sometimes this kind of rumination is related to ...
Walnuts might be the key to cracking open a sharper mind. New research suggests that eating a handful at breakfast could give your brain a serious boost, enhancing memory and performance ...
There, those reflected wavelengths are transformed into electrical signals to be interpreted by our brain. So we don’t ... how you ‘see’ the health of your child, for example,” says ...