The tender family portrait had been wrongly attributed to a male painter of the Northern Renaissance.
Imagine walking down a street and running into a childhood friend you haven’t seen in decades. Despite the years and the ...
A painting sitting in storage at a provincial museum in northern France was recently reattributed to Lavinia Fontana, one of ...
But after being sent for valuation experts revealed it to be a lost work by the great Flemish painter Grimmer - and very valuable. Art specialists Woolley and Wallis revealed the find, adding the ...
"Instead of the original work by the famous Flemish painter, a reproduction cut out of a magazine fell out of the frame," stolen Polish arts expert Mariusz Pilus wrote in "Arts Sherlock" in 2019.
“Instead of the original work by the famous Flemish painter, a reproduction cut out of a magazine fell out of the frame,” stolen Polish arts expert Mariusz Pilus wrote in “Arts Sherlock ...