State officials will be releasing updated fire maps for Southern California. Brittany Hope reports for the NBC4 News at 6 a.m ...
Cal Fire on Monday is expected to release updated maps that show where wildfires are mostly likely to occur within the next ...
For the first time in at least 14 years, state officials will release updated fire maps for Southern California on Monday, ...
"It is always a concern, when you live in an area that it is so open, that you could have a fire erupt at any point," said ...
Sonoma residents now have the opportunity to weigh in on Cal Fire’s statewide update to the Fire Hazard Severity Maps for ...
Cal Fire's new hazard zone maps show information on topography, fire weather, flame length, past fire history, vegetation ...
Fire hazard severity map for Cupertino (courtesy of Cal Fire ... Others, like removing wooden gates and fencing within five feet of a house, can be costly. Homeowners on lower or fixed incomes ...
New fire hazard severity maps show dramatic increases in some areas of Sonoma and Napa counties and around San Jose. In Contra Costa County, the fire hazard severity level decreased for some but ...
Cal Fire's maps, which are still in draft form, establish what the state calls fire hazard severity zones, which measure the likelihood of a major wildfire hitting certain areas and neighborhoods.
Cal Fire’s updated maps will add 1.4 million acres to zones requiring stricter fire safety regulations, including parts of San Joaquin County around Tracy and Mountain House. The new maps ... The maps ...
The new maps include Oakland and Santa Rosa, scenes of deadly fires, along with Northern California’s wine country. New fire hazard maps for the entire state will be released by March 24 ...
The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection released new fire-hazard severity maps Monday that added thousands of acres within the purview of local fire departments across ...