How bad will the pandemic get? How much will it spread in the United States? Will we develop a vaccine in time to do any good? As insurance lawyers, we have no idea. But we can help you figure out ...
Statute of Limitations refers to a statute that sets the time period during which a legal claim can be brought. Most statute of limitations laws require individuals to sue at some point during a ...
E&O policies do not protect against costs stemming from criminal prosecution and liabilities arising from civil lawsuits. What is the purpose of public E&O insurance? Errors and omissions (E&O ...
Background: The frequency of drug prescription errors is high. Excluding errors in decision making, the remaining are mainly due to order ambiguity, non standard nomenclature and writing illegibility.
In contrast, tech E&O (technology errors and omissions) policies protect the manufacturer of the hardware and software. Both kinds of policies contain similar provisions. THIS DEFINITION IS FOR ...
E&O policies do not protect against costs stemming from criminal prosecution and liabilities arising from civil lawsuits. What is the purpose of private E&O Insurance? Errors and omissions (E&O ...
This study analysed only the legibility and completeness as risk factors for prescription errors but despite this, we think it has an operative relevance and it is essential in improving quality ...