Millions of animals are at risk, but what are the rarest animals in the world? These are some of the most endangered animals, ...
Domoic acid poisoning is stranding marine mammals as warnings are issued to beachgoers of the threat posed by animals that ...
Most of the world’s sea turtle populations are rebounding – even amid climate change threats - Sea turtles still face warming ...
Giant Clone of Seaweed in the Baltic Sea Mar. 4 ... crested cockatoos and the critically endangered Yellow-crested cockatoos -- ... Nearly 30,000 Wild Species Identified in US Trade Data Jan ...
Kemp's ridley, the world's smallest sea turtle species, are found primarily in the Gulf of Mexico, renamed the Gulf of ...
MAKAPUU (HawaiiNewsNow) - A private non-profit organization that has been rescuing and caring for endangered and threatened ...
The fastest shark in the sea is losing the race against extinction. Capable of reaching speeds of up to 45 miles per hour, ...
A nonprofit that rescues and cares for endangered marine animals faces uncertainty as federal funding becomes unpredictable.
Whales can be found in every ocean, with many species migrating long distances between their ... some whale species still ...
The Ocean Census has discovered over 800 new marine species, including the rare guitar shark, through global expeditions and ...
WesPac Fishery Management Council discussed updates on false killer whale stocks, among other issues relating to Marine ...