Named Elvira, the young lady isn't really ugly ... milking the cows and sweeping the floors. In Disney terms, such suffering would surely merit her a "happily ever after" - not like such a ...
The Evil Stepsister is a Norwegian horror-comedy retelling of the fairy tale Cinderella, focused not on the title character ...
C akeWorthy has just dropped a few new collections today including Disney Halloween, Elvira, Beetlejuice, Scareworthy ...
A dressmaker calls himself Elvira's good fairy, but he's really just a salesman. Still, such subtle homages to the Disney version of Cinderella incorporate those elements into a more realistic world.
Named Elvira, the young lady isn’t really ugly ... milking the cows and sweeping the floors. In Disney terms, such suffering would surely merit her a “happily ever after” — not like ...