The seating of Rep. David Gottfried, who represents parts of Shoreview and Roseville in District 40B, means the power-sharing ...
Former state Senator Karen Tallian was elected as the Indiana Democratic Party on Saturday, becoming the first woman from ...
Jaime Harrison, former head of the Democratic National Committee, piled on: “Dammit VOTE NO!” he tweeted. “These are not ...
For the upcoming academic year, students elected Andrew Park from InnovateUTM as UTMSU’s president with 1,683 votes.
Former state senator Karen Tallian beat out three other contenders to become the Indiana Democratic Party's newest leader.
The pose is as iconic as the player, Alex Gordon rounding first base, right arm raised toward the sky, looking out toward the ...
Only one thing could delay, and possibly derail, pay raises for state elected officials this year: a referendum. A citizen ...
Scio Township Trustee Judy DeVooght Moenck, a Democrat, submitted her letter of resignation in a late February email to ...
African soccer leader Patrice Motsepe has been re-elected and urges working with private financiers to help federations build ...